Spec Limits for Tiretread.jmp Data Table 
To set these limits in the data table, highlight a column and select Cols > Column Info. Then, click the Column Properties button and select the Spec Limits property.
Spec Limits
After entering the spec limits, they are incorporated into the profilers. Click the Save button if you want the spec limits saved back to the data table as a column property.
With these specification limits, and the distributions shown in Profiler with Simulator, click the Simulate button. Notice the colored spec limit lines in the output histograms. The black dashed lines indicate the mean of the simulations.
Spec Limits in the Prediction Profiler
Look at the histogram for Abrasion. The lower spec limit is far below the distribution, yet the Simulator is able to estimate a defect rate for it. This despite only having 5000 runs in the simulation. It can do this rare-event estimation when you use a Normal weighted distribution.
Note that the Overall defect rate (0.05229) is close to the defect rate for ELONG (0.04756), indicating that most of the defects are in the ELONG variable.
To see this weighted simulation in action, click the Make Table button and examine the Weight column.
Data Table Created from Script
Once they are created, select the Simulator from the Prediction Profiler. Use the specifications from Specifications for Profiler to fill in the Simulator.
Specifications for Profiler
It looks like we are not very likely to be profitable. By putting a lower specification limit of zero on Profit, the defect report would say that the probability of being unprofitable is 62%.
So we raise the Unit Price to $3.25 and rerun the simulation. Now the probability of being unprofitable is down to about 20%.