For the following messages, node stands for a tree node or a reference to one and root stands for a tree box or a reference to one.
Multi-Select Tree Results shows the results for a Tree Box() that contains the MultiSelect argument.
Returns 1 for a MultiSelect tree and 0 for a single-select tree.
Selects the given tree node in the tree display box. In list of tree nodes, all nodes in the list are selected for MultiSelect trees. Otherwise, the first node in the list is selected. Specify the Boolean argument to indicate whether the node or nodes should be selected or unselected. The default value is 1, which selects the nodes.
On Windows, the <<Set Selected() message expands all nodes between the selected node or nodes and the root of the tree; items that are selected deep within the tree are shown. The expansion state does not change for nodes that were previously selected.
On Macintosh, <<Set Selected() does not change the tree expansion state.