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Publication date: 07/30/2020


Report preferences customize the appearance of reports.

Figure 13.2 Reports Preferences 

Table 13.2 Preferences on the Reports Page



Date Title on Output

Select this option to display the date and time the analysis occurred in your report windows. This option is cleared by default.

Data Table Title on Output

Select this option to display the name of the data table and notes, if there are any, at the top of the report. This option is cleared by default.

Hover Help

On some numeric output, JMP provides tooltip-style help when you circle the mouse over a result.

Select this option to see a tooltip where it is available. This option is selected by default.

Auto-save the report to

Select one of the options from the menu to determine where a report is saved:


When you close a report, you are prompted for a location to save it. This is the default selection.

Data Table Script

When you close a report, it is saved as a script in the open data table.

Journal Script

When you close a report, it is saved to a journal window.

Log Window

When you close a report, its script is written to the log window.

Save table with report

Select one of the options from the menu to determine how a table is saved to a report:


When you save a report, the table is embedded into the report. Choose this option if you want to share the report with others. The data table that is stored in the report is reopened (unchanged) each time the report is opened. If you make changes to the table, they are not saved into the report unless you re-save the report.


When you save a report, the table is referenced in the report.


When you save a report, you are prompted to specify how to save the report: either to embed the table within the report, or to add a reference to the table in the report.

Prompt is selected by default.

Automatically save previously saved documents when saving a project

Saves previously saved documents when you save a project. For example, if you saved a data table inside a project, the data table is saved automatically again when you save the project.

Laser pointer

JMP has a built-in laser pointer that enables you to visually emphasize parts of a report. It is off by default.

To turn it on, select a color for the laser pointer from the list.

Show conditional formatting

Conditionally formats the color of the text that represents the values. Available for correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values.

Select one of the options from the menu:


Conditional formatting is always applied to correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values.

Screen Only

Conditional formatting is always applied to correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values. However, the conditional formatting does not show when the report is printed.


Conditional formatting is never applied to correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values.

Manage Rules

Creates custom conditional formatting rules that can be applied to numeric columns or matrices. See Use Conditional Formatting in the JMP Reports section.

Note: Verify the Use an Asterisk with the PValue Format preference to ensure asterisk (*) is or is not used for any p-value conditions.

Use an Asterisk with the PValue Format

Select this option to display an asterisk (*) next to significant p-values. This option is on by default.

Note: Verify any conditional formatting rules for PValue to ensure asterisk (*) is not used for any defined conditions.


Specifies the JMP Live URL.

JMP Live User Name

Specifies the JMP Live user name.

JMP Live Timeout

Specifes the timeout value for publishing to JMP Live. The default time is 60 seconds.

Show this number of JMP Live bookmarks

Shows the specified number of JMP Live bookmarks shown when you publish reports to JMP Live. The default number is eight.

Transparent background for report PNG images

Select this option to display a transparent background when a report is saved as a PNG file.

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