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Multivariate Methods > Normal Mixtures > Launch the Normal Mixtures Clustering Platform
Publication date: 04/28/2021

Launch the Normal Mixtures Clustering Platform

Launch the Normal Mixtures Clustering platform by selecting Analyze > Clustering > Normal Mixtures.

Figure 14.4 Normal Mixtures Launch Window 

For more information about the options in the Select Columns red triangle menu, see Column Filter Menu in Using JMP.

Y, Columns

The variables used for clustering observations.

Note: Normal Mixtures clustering supports only numeric columns.


A column whose numeric values assign a weight to each row in the analysis.


A column whose numeric values assign a frequency to each row in the analysis.


A column whose levels define separate analyses. For each level of the specified column, the corresponding rows are analyzed. The results are presented in separate reports. If more than one By variable is assigned, a separate analysis is produced for each possible combination of the levels of the By variables.

When you click OK, a Control Panel appears. See Model Based Clustering Control Panel.

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