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Publication date: 04/28/2021

Model Options

After you click Run, a Structural Equation Model report for the specified model appears. This report has a red triangle menu that contains the following options:

Path Diagram

Contains options to modify the path diagram.

Show Path Diagram

Shows or hides the path diagram in the model report.

Show Estimates

Enables you to choose which parameter estimates appear on the arrows in the path diagram in the model report. You can select between Unstandardized, Standardized, or None.

Color Path Diagram

Colors the variables in the path diagram.

Show Variances

Shows or hides the bidirectional arrows that represent variances in the path diagram.

Show Latent Indicators

Shows or hides the latent variable indicators in the path diagram.


Contains six options for different arrangements of the items in the path diagram. These six options correspond to the same arrangements that you can cycle through using the Change Diagram Layout button in the Diagram panel. You can also drag items in the path diagram to change the arrangement of specific items.

Fit Indices

Shows or hides a report that contains a variety of index values that enable you to evaluate the fitted model. In addition to values that appear in the Summary of Fit report, the Fit Indices report also contains the following index values:


The Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) provides additional guidance for determining model fit. This index is also known as the non-normed fit index (NNFI). The TLI is bounded between 0 and 1. Values greater than 0.95 are preferred (West et al. 2012). See TLI.


The normed fit index (NFI) provides additional guidance for determining model fit. The NFI is bounded between 0 and 1. Values greater than 0.95 are preferred (West et al. 2012). See NFI.

Revised GFI

The revised goodness-of-fit index provides additional guidance for determining model fit. The revised GFI is bounded between 0 and 1. Values greater than 0.95 are preferred (West et al. 2012). See Revised GFI and Revised AGFI.

Revised AGFI

The revised adjusted goodness-of-fit index provides additional guidance for determining model fit. The revised AGFI is bounded between 0 and 1 (West et al. 2012). See Revised GFI and Revised AGFI.


The root mean square residual (RMR) provides additional guidance for determining model fit. The residuals for the RMR are from the differences between the observed and model-implied covariances. The RMR is positive and smaller values are preferred (West et al. 2012). See RMR and SRMR.


The standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) provides additional guidance for determining model fit. The residuals for the SRMR are from the standardized differences between the observed and model-implied covariances. The SRMR is positive and smaller values are preferred (West et al. 2012). See RMR and SRMR.

Note: For a description of the other values in the Fit Indices report, see Structural Equation Model Fit Report.

Summary of Fit

Shows or hides a report that contains details of the model fit.

Parameter Estimates

Shows or hides a report that contains the unstandardized parameter estimates for the model.

Standardized Parameter Estimates

Shows or hides a report that contains the standardized parameter estimates for the model.

Model Implied Covariances

Shows or hides a report that contains the covariance matrix that is implied by the model.

Model Implied Means

Shows or hides a report that contains the means for each variable that are implied by the model.


Shows or hides a report that contains a matrix of the residuals for the model. This matrix is the difference between the model implied covariance matrix and the sample covariance matrix.

Normalized Residuals

Shows or hides a report that contains a matrix of the normalized residuals for the model.

Normalized Residuals Heat Map

Shows or hides a report that contains a heat map of the normalized residuals for the model.

RAM Matrices

Shows or hides a report that contains the model matrices used in reticular action model (RAM) notation.

Covariance of Estimates

Shows or hides a report that contains the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates for the model.

R2 for Endogenous Variables

(Available only when the model is recursive and contains endogenous variables.) Shows or hides a report that contains the R2 values for each endogenous variable in the model. This value is calculated as 1 minus the ratio of the residual variance and the model-implied variance for each endogenous variable. The R2 values represent how much variance is explained by the model in an endogenous variable. An endogenous variable is one that has a path directed at it in the path diagram.

Modification Indices

Shows or hides a report that contains the estimates of model modification indices. These values can be used to determine which parameters might be added to the model to improve model fit.

Save Factor Scores

(Available only when there are latent variables in the model.) Saves a column with the factor score for each variable to columns in the data table. The factor scores are calculated in a hidden column that is also added to the data table. This hidden column uses the Estimate Factor Scores() JSL function. For more information about this function, see Help > Scripting Index.

Recall in Model Specification

Sets the model in the Model Specification report to the specified model.

Remove Fit

Removes the specified model report from the report window.

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