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Quality and Process Methods > Statistical Details > Operating Characteristic Curves
Publication date: 04/28/2021

Operating Characteristic Curves

The Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves feature in the JMP Starter enables you to view OC curves for the following control charts: XBar, P, NP, C, and U charts. The curve shows how the probability of accepting a lot changes with the quality of the sample. In a process monitoring sense, the curve shows the probabilities of the control chart not signaling for given values of the underlying parameter.

When you choose the OC Curve option from the red triangle menu in a legacy control chart, JMP opens a new window that contains the curve, using all the calculated values directly from the active control chart.

You can also run an OC curve directly from the Control category of the JMP Starter. Select View > JMP Starter > Control (under Click Category) > OC Curves. Select the type of chart on which you want the curve based, and then a window prompts you for Target, Lower Control Limit, Upper Control Limit, k, Sigma, and Sample Size. You can also perform both single and double acceptance sampling in the same manner. A pop-up window enables you to specify whether single or double acceptance sampling is desired. A second window appears, where you can specify acceptance failures, number inspected, and lot size (for single acceptance sampling). Click OK to generate the desired OC curve.

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