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Using JMP > Import Your Data > Build SQL Queries in Query Builder
Publication date: 04/28/2021

Build SQL Queries in Query Builder

Query Builder is the preferred method for selecting and importing data from a SQL database without writing SQL statements. You can preview the data before importing it into a data table. Share your queries so that other users can customize and run the queries.

Query Builder provides an alternative to writing your own queries using the File > Database > Open Table feature. However, you can also start building a query in Query Builder and then add your own SQL statements.

SAS Query Builder is also available for querying SAS data sets on SAS servers. See Open SAS Data Sets with SAS Query Builder.


Database table names that contain the characters $# -+/%()&|;? are not supported.

The Value Order column property is not supported. Consider writing a script in the Post-Query Script window to sort the rows.

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