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Design of Experiments Guide > The Fit Two Level Screening Platform
Publication date: 04/28/2021

The Fit Two Level Screening Platform

Analyze Data from Screening Experiments

The Fit Two Level Screening platform is a modeling platform that you can use to analyze experimental data results from a screening design. The Fit Two Level Screening platform helps you identify effects that have a large impact on the response.

The Fit Two Level Screening platform is based on the principle of effect sparsity (Box and Meyer 1986). This principle asserts that relatively few of the effects that you study in a screening design are active. Most are inactive, meaning that their true effects are negligible and that their estimates can be treated as random error.

A screening design often provides no degrees of freedom for error when the model of interest includes interaction terms. Consequently, classical tests for effects are not available. In such cases, the Fit Two Level Screening platform is particularly useful.

Figure 10.1 Half Normal Plot from Fit Two Level Screening Report 


Overview of the Fit Two Level Screening Platform

Example of Fit Two Level Screening Platform

Launch the Fit Two Level Screening Platform

The Screening Report

Half Normal Plot
Make or Run Model

Additional Fit Two Level Screening Analysis Examples

Analyze a Plackett-Burman Design
Effect Heredity Example
Analyze a Supersaturated Design

Technical Details for the Fit Two Level Screening Platform

Order of Effect Entry
Fit Two Level Screening as an Orthogonal Rotation
Lenth’s Pseudo-Standard Error
Lenth t-Ratios
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