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Publication date: 04/30/2021

Process Information

The launch window displays a list of columns in the current data table. Here, you specify the variables to be analyzed and the subgroup sample size.


The Process role selects measurement variables for charting.

Note: The rows of the table must be sorted in the order in which you want them to appear in the control chart. Even if there is a Sample Label variable specified, you still must sort the data accordingly.

Sample Label

The Sample Label role specifies a variable that identifies the sample. The values of this variable label the horizontal axis and can also identify unequal subgroup sizes. If you do not specify a sample label variable, the samples are identified by their subgroup sample number.

If the sample subgroups have an unequal number of rows or have missing values and you have a column identifying each sample, select the Sample Grouped by Sample Label option under Sample Size and enter the sample identifying column as the sample label.

If the sample subgroups are the same size, select the Sample Size Constant option under Sample Size and enter the size in the text box. If you entered a Sample Label variable, its values are used to label the horizontal axis. The sample size is used in the calculation of the limits regardless of whether the samples have missing values.


The rows of the table must be sorted in the order in which you want them to appear in the control chart. Even if there is a Sample Label variable specified, you still must sort the data accordingly.

The non-integer part of the value for Constant Size is truncated. If you have a constant non-integer subgroup sample size, you must specify a column of constant values.


The By role identifies a variable to produce a separate analysis for each value that appears in the column.

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