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Profilers > Excel Profiler > Use the Excel Profiler from JMP
Publication date: 04/30/2021

Use the Excel Profiler from JMP

After you have defined model input and outputs in an Excel file, you can profile the model from within JMP.

1. Select Graph > Excel Profiler.

2. Locate the Excel file containing the model and then click Open.

3. If the Excel file contains multiple models, you are prompted to select the model that you want to profile.

Note that the Excel Profiler is also scriptable, as follows:

Excel Profiler( "path to workbook", <"model name"> ) ;

If more than one model exists, and no model is specified, a window with the list of available models appears. For more information about scripting the Excel Profiler, see Work with Microsoft Excel in the Scripting Guide.

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