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Publication date: 09/28/2021

Example of the Test for Response Homogeneity

This example uses the Car sample data table, which contains data collected from a survey about car ownership. The data include demographics about the individuals polled and information about their car. You want to explore the relationship between marital status and the origin of the car. You also want to test for the homogeneity of the responses. That is, you want to test to see whether the distribution of the origin of cars is the same for married and single respondents.

1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Car

2. Select Analyze > Consumer Research > Categorical.

3. Select country and click Responses on the Simple tab.

4. Select marital status and click X, Grouping Category.

5. Click OK.

6. Click the Categorical red triangle and select Test Response Homogeneity.

Figure 3.18 Test Response Homogeneity 

Test Response Homogeneity

The Share Chart indicates that the married group is evenly split between ownership of American and Japanese cars. In the single group, Japanese cars are the most frequently owned.

The test for response homogeneity provides results from two versions of the test. The Pearson Test and the Likelihood Ratio Test both have chi-square test statistics and associated p-values. The test for response homogeneity has a p-value of about 0.08 for either method.

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