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Publication date: 11/10/2021

Model Fit Options

Mosaic Plot

(Available only for nominal or ordinal responses.) Shows or hides the mosaic plot. See Mosaic Plot.

Plot Actual by Predicted

(Available only for continuous responses.) Plots the actual versus the predicted responses for the model with the smallest RASE. If there are ties for the smallest RASE, the plot is based on the model with the smallest K.

Tip: If you change the position of the slider on the solution path plot to a different K, the Actual by Predicted plot is updated to reflect the model for the chosen value of K.

Plot Residual by Predicted

(Available only for continuous responses.) Plots the residuals versus the predicted responses for the model with the smallest RASE. If there are ties for the smallest RASE, the plot is based on the model with the smallest K.

Tip: If you change the position of the slider on the solution path plot to a different K, the Residual by Predicted plot is updated to reflect the model for the chosen value of K.

Save Predicteds

Saves K predicted value columns to the data table. The columns are named Predicted <Response> <k>. The kth column contains predictions for the model based on the k nearest neighbors, where Response is the name of the response column.

Save Prediction Formula

Saves a column that contains a prediction formula for a specific k nearest neighbor model. Enter a value for K when prompted. The prediction formula contains all the training data, so this option might not be practical for large data tables.

Caution: The values obtained from Save Prediction Formula and Save Predicteds do not necessarily match. The values obtained from the Save Prediction Formula option use all of the rows in the training set, including the row for the predicted value. The values from the Save Predicteds option do not use the row for the predicted value in the training set, only all other rows.

Publish Prediction Formula

Creates a prediction formula for the specified k nearest neighbor model and saves it as a formula column script in the Formula Depot platform. If a Formula Depot report is not open, this option creates a Formula Depot report. See Formula Depot.

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