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Publication date: 11/10/2021

Image shown hereRepairable Systems Simulation Platform Options

The Repairable Systems Simulation red triangle menu contains the following options:

Save and Save As

Enables you to save a Repairable Systems Simulation to a JMP Scripting Language (JSL) script that is automatically executed when it is opened in JMP. See Advanced Note: Auto-Submit in the Scripting Guide for more information about Auto-Submit scripts.

Note: The Save and Save As red triangle options are equivalent to selecting File > Save and File > Save As, respectively. They are available in the red triangle menu for convenience.

Import Component Distribution Settings

Enables you to import configuration settings for the system diagram from a data table. The table must contain columns for the component name, distribution, and one or more parameters. The number of parameters depends on the specified distribution.

Note: The strings in the imported table must be exact matches to the strings in the system diagram.

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