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Publication date: 06/21/2023

Life Distribution Script-Only Messages

The following messages for a Life Distribution object are available only in JSL:

life_dist_obj << Compute Remaining Life Distribution( time0, time1 );
life_dist_object << Confidence Invterval Method( string );
life_dist_object << Density( number );
life_dist_object << Fit DS Frechet;
life_dist_object << Fit DS Loglogistic;
life_dist_object << Fit DS Lognormal;
life_dist_object << Fit DS Weibull;
life_dist_object << Fit Exponential;
life_dist_object << Fit Frechet;
life_dist_object << Fit GenGamma;
life_dist_object << Fit LEV;
life_dist_object << Fit LogGenGamma;
life_dist_object << Fit Logistic;
life_dist_object << Fit Loglogistic;
life_dist_object << Fit Lognormal;
life_dist_object << Fit Model( ... );
life_dist_object << Fit Normal;
life_dist_object << Fit SEV;
life_dist_object << Fit TH Frechet;
life_dist_object << Fit TH Loglogistic;
life_dist_object << Fit TH Lognormal;
life_dist_object << Fit TH Weibull;
life_dist_object << Fit Weibull;
life_dist_object << Fit ZI Frechet;
life_dist_object << Fit ZI Loglogistic;
life_dist_object << Fit ZI Lognormal;
life_dist_object << Fit ZI Weibull;
life_dist_object << Get Causes;
life_dist_object << Get Estimates;
life_dist_object << Get Formula;
life_dist_object << Get Life Distribution( i );
life_dist_object << Get Model Specification;
life_dist_object << Get Results;
life_dist_object << Hazard( number );
life_dist_object << Mean Remaining Life( Compute( vector ) );
life_dist_object << Mean Remaining Life( Get Results );
life_dist_object << Omit( i, 0|1 );
life_dist_object << Probability( number );
life_dist_object << Quantile( number );
life_dist_object << Rejection Sample Maximum Trials( number );
life_dist_object << Select Distribution( ... );
life_dist_object << Select Scale( distribution );
life_dist_object << Set Scale( distribution );
life_dist_object << Subdistribution( ... );
life_dist_object << Suppress Plot( plot_name );
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