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Basic Analysis > Oneway Analysis > Overview of Oneway Platform
Publication date: 06/21/2023

Overview of Oneway Platform

The Oneway platform enables you to quickly visualize the distribution of a continuous Y variable across two or more levels of a categorical X variable. You can run analysis of variance (ANOVA) models, t tests, analysis of means (ANOM), equivalence tests, nonparametric tests, exact tests, or multiple comparisons to evaluate differences in means or variances across the levels of the X variable. Many tests add visualization tools to the Oneway plot in the report. In addition, there are options to use density and cumulative distribution function (CDF) plots to visualize the distribution of your response across the levels of the X variable.

Tests are grouped together in the Oneway red triangle menu according to the type of test. JMP enables you to explore many types of statistical tests. The best choice of test depends on the study design, data collection, data distributions, and the hypothesis of interest.

See the following sections for details about test reports:

Quantiles Report

Means/Anova/Pooled t Report

Means and Std Deviations Report

t Test Report

Analysis of Means Reports

Means Comparisons Reports

Nonparametric Test Reports

Nonparametric Multiple Comparisons Reports

Unequal Variances Reports

Equivalence Test Reports

Robust Fit Reports

Power Reports

Matching Column Report

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