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Publication date: 05/05/2023


Analyze DOE results on the Analyze tab of Easy DOE. There is a section for each response. Use the gray disclosure icons to hide or show response sections. The first section of the Analyze tab enables you to export data, select between a full and best model, and view the effect estimates for each model term.

Export Data

Exports the design and responses to a standalone JMP data table.

Full Model

(Default setting) Uses the full model for your analysis. The full model retains all factors, or terms, in your model.

Best Model

Uses the best model for your analysis. The best model is selected using a forward stepwise procedure.

Effect Plot

The effect plot shows the effect estimate with a 95% confidence interval for each term in the model. A green interval indicates a term that is entered in the model and a red interval indicates a term that is not in the model. A solid line indicates a statistically significant term, a dashed line indicates that the term is not statistically significant.

The table of values provides the estimate and 95% confidence interval. Hidden columns include the p-value for the term. Right-click on the table and select Columns to display additional columns.

Note: The intervals for terms not included in the model are centered at zero with length dependent on the RMSE of the current model. If you remove an important term, the intervals for all terms become large.

Studentized Residual

Use the Studentized Residuals plot on the Easy DOE Analyze tab to evaluate the fit of your model. Points that fall randomly around the centerline, within the red lines, indicate a model that fits well. See “Plot Studentized Residuals”.

Actual by Predicted Plot

The actual by predicted plot shows the observed value against the value for that same combination of inputs predicted by the model. The red line is the Y = X line. The closer the data points fall to the red line, the better the model predicts your outcomes.

Note: The Flexible Mode enables analysis using JMP and JMP Pro platforms. An Update Guided Analysis button enables you to transfer your model to the Guided Mode.

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