Data that consist of distances between observations. For n observations, the distance table should have n rows and n + 1 columns. One column (usually the first) must contain a unique identifier for each of the n observations. The remaining columns contain distances between that observation and the n observations. Note the following:
When you select the Data is distance matrix option, enter the distance columns as Y, Columns and the identifier column as Label. The Label column must have the Character data type. For an example, see Example of a Distance Matrix.
When you select the Data is stacked option, Attribute ID and Object ID text boxes appear in the launch window.
Enter a single column as Y, Columns.
The JMP alert Not enough nonmissing data can be difficult to understand when you are using the Data as summarized or Data is stacked data structures. The alert occurs in the following situations:
For Data as usual, when all rows or all but one row are missing at least one value for a Y, Columns variable.
For Data as summarized, when your data are summarized across the Object ID columns, all rows or all but one row are missing at least one value of the summarized Y, Column variables. To see the data structure that the Cluster platform is analyzing, select Tables > Summary, enter the Object ID columns as Group and the Y, Columns variables as Statistics > Mean.
For Data is stacked, when your data are split across the Attribute ID columns, all rows or all but one row are missing at least one value of the split Y, Column values. To see the data structure that the Cluster platform is analyzing, select Tables > Split, enter the Attribute ID columns as Split By, the Y, Columns variable as Split Columns, and the Object ID columns as Group.

Help created on 9/19/2017