An Excel model is one or more Excel formulas. Each formula must be a function of one or more other cells. This example uses the Demand.xls file, located within C:\Program Files\SAS\JMP\<version number>\Samples\Import Data).
Demand Model in Excel
The formula is in cell B8, and is a calculation of the Overall Cost associated with having different amounts of product in stock. The formula can be seen in the Formula Bar, and is a function of four cells:
Amount Stocked is the amount of product in stock.
Demand is the customer demand for the product.
Air Freight is the cost per unit to ship additional product by air when the demand exceeds the amount in stock.
Expiration Cost is the cost per unit of disposing of unused product when the demand is less than the amount in stock.
If Amount Stocked is less than Demand, then the company has to ship additional units, at a cost of (Demand-Amount Stocked) × Air Freight. For example, if the demand is 8, but the company has only 6 in stock, then it has to ship 8 - 6 = 2 units at a cost of 2 × 150 = 300.
If Amount Stocked is greater than Demand, then the company has to dispose of unused product, at a cost of (Amount Stocked Demand) × Expiration Cost. For example, if the demand is 5, but the company has 8 in stock, then it has to dispose of 8 - 5 = 3 units at a cost of 3 × 50 = 150.
If Amount Stocked is equal to Demand, then there is no shipping cost or disposal cost.
Example of the Profiler Using Excel Models