Numbers can be written as integers, decimal numbers, in scientific notation with an E preceding the power of ten, and as date-time values. A single period by itself is the missing numeric value.
Use Num() to convert a string into a number. For example:
Note: Num() cannot convert non-numeric characters, so it produces a missing value.
Use Char() to convert a number into a string. For example:
To preserve locale-specific numeric formatting in Num() or Char() output, include <<Use Locale(1). option as shown in the following example:
Greek letter sigma (σ) in Unicode = U+03C3; in JMP, use \!U03C3
Greek letter mu (μ) in Unicode = U+03BC; in JMP, use \!U03BC
subscript 1 (1) in Unicode = U+2081; in JMP, use \!U2081
superscript 2 (2) in Unicode = U+00B2; in JMP, use \!U00B2
To express x2 in Unicode, in JMP, use \!U0078\!U00B2.