Text Exploration Info Kit

You have been collecting text data - now put it to good use.

Text data doesn’t easily lend itself to analysis because it is unstructured and often unruly. JMP® and JMP® Pro offer a set of highly interactive commands that let you explore text by visualizing and organizing words, creating summaries and performing word and phrase extraction. These capabilities can help you quickly discover insights from your mass of text data, such as repair logs, engineering reports and free-response survey fields.

Register for our complimentary info kit to learn more.

Download free info kit

The kit includes:

Thought leader interview

Analytically Speaking Webinar

Hear expert Heath Rushing discuss how he helps clients make sense of text data.

Book chapter download

Text Mining, from Fundamentals of Predictive Analytics with JMP

Learn how to extract useful information from text to improve decisions and predictions.


Tackling Unstructured Data with Text Exploration

JMP software can organize unstructured text and reveal and explore themes in that text data. Learn how to delve into your text using the JMP Text Explorer platform.

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