Right-click each file that you want to open or run and select Restore this item when the project is opened. The name of the options depends on the file type. For documents, the option is named Restore this document when the project is opened. For windows, the option is named Restore this window when the project is opened.
Right-click the project name and select When project is reopened > Restore only marked items. (This is the default project setting.)
Note: Be careful setting all items to open automatically. When you add a folder full of files, opening all of those files might cause a delay.
Adding a group to a project lets you organize files into collapsible and expandable containers. To add a new group, right-click on the project and select New Group. You can add files by right-clicking on the new group, or you can drag and drop existing files into the group.
JMP enables you to add descriptive notes about a project. Select the Edit Notes command from the Project menu to add or edit a project’s notes. The notes are shown in the project properties. Right-click the project name and select Properties to view the notes.

Help created on 9/19/2017