Rotated SVD
(Available only when SVD is selected from the red triangle menu next to Association Analysis.) The Rotated SVD option performs a varimax rotation on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the transaction item matrix. See Transaction Item Matrix. You must specify a number of rotated singular vectors, which corresponds to the number of topics that you want to retain from the transaction item matrix. After you specify a number of topics, the Topic Terms and Topic Scores Plots reports appear. Topic analysis is equivalent to a rotated principal components analysis (rotated PCA).
Topics are groups of transactions that are grouped based on a primary item indicator, as well as secondary item indicators. For each topic, every item has a weight that influences a transaction’s membership in the topic. The cumulative sum of the item weights for all of the items that are present in a transaction is called the topic score. Topic scores reflect the strength of a transaction’s membership for a topic.
Topic Items Report
Topic Scores Plots Report

Help created on 9/19/2017