Explore Retaining a Factor in Generalized Regression
Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Tablet Production.jmp.
Select Analyze > Fit Model.
Click Dissolution and click Y.
Select Mill Time through Atomizer Pressure and click Add.
From the Personality menu, select Generalized Regression.
Click Run.
Figure 9.116 Model Based on Adaptive Lasso
You are interested in the parameter estimates shown in the Adaptive Lasso with AICc Validation report. Based on the non-zero parameter estimates, the model suggests that Mill Time, Screen Size, Blend Time, Blend Speed, Compressor, Coating Viscosity, and Spray Rate are related to Dissolution.
Before reducing the model, ensure that no columns are selected in the Tablet Production.jmp data table. Selected columns are not deselected in the first step below. Ensuring that no columns are selected prevents the inadvertent inclusion of columns with zeroed terms.
If you prefer not to work through the steps in this section, click the green triangle next to the Generalized Regression Reduced Model script in the Tablet Production.jmp data table to obtain the reduced model.
Click Run.
Figure 9.117 Reduced Model Using Adaptive Lasso
Notice that the estimate for Blend Speed has a confidence interval (Lower 95%) that comes very close to including zero. Next, perform a simulation study to see how often Blend Speed would be included in the model had other data values from the dissolution distribution been observed.
This adds a new column called Dissolution Simulation Formula to the Tablet Production.jmp data table.
Figure 9.118 Simulation Formula
For each row, this formula simulates a value that could be obtained given the model and the distribution of Dissolution, which is estimated to be Normal with standard deviation about 1.998.
Click Cancel.
Make sure that Dissolution is selected in the Column to Switch Out list.
Next to Number of Samples, enter 300.
For the simulation, you ask JMP to replace the Dissolution column in each of 300 analyses with values simulated using the Dissolution Simulation Formula column.
(Optional) Set the Random Seed to 123.
Figure 9.119 Completed Simulation Window
Run the Distribution script.
Press the Ctrl key, click the Intercept red triangle menu, and select Display Options > Customize Summary Statistics.
Select N Zero.
Figure 9.120 Histogram of Simulated Blend Speed Coefficient Estimates

Help created on 10/11/2018