To save a data table, send a Save message to the data table. Here are some examples:
dt << Save(); // save using the current name
dt << Save( "Newest Big" ) // save as a new file
dt << Save( "c:/My Data/New Big" );  // save as a new file
dt << Save( "My Table", JMP( 5 ) ); // save as JMP 5 table
dt << Save("") // prompt to select the directory and save in the desired format
dt << Save( "Big Class.xls" ); // save as a Microsoft Excel file
Create Excel Workbook( "c:/MyData/data.xlsx", {"Abrasion", "Big Class"},
{"Abrasive", "Class"} ); // save several data table as a workbook
On Windows, saving with a .txt extension exports according to the Text Export preferences. On Macintosh, add Text as a second argument to the Save function, as follows:
dt << Save( "New Big Class.txt", Text );
If you plan to set the name of a data table and later send the Save message, you can just specify the name in a Save message.
dt << Set Name( "New Big" );
dt << Save();
dt << Save( "New Big" );
Including Save and the pathname is also an alternative to using Save As along with the pathname.
dt << Revert();

Help created on 10/11/2018