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Adds the property "name" with the expression given. You can add any standard column property by name or a user-specified property.
Sets the "type" for col; choices are "Numeric", "Character", "Rowstate", or "Expression".
See Numeric Formats in the Using JMP book for details about the arguments.
<<Format( 10, 2, "Use thousands separator");
<<Format( "Currency", "EUR", 20 );
<<Format( "m/d/y", 10 );
<<Format( "Precision", 10, 2, "Keep trailing zeroes", "Keep all whole digits" );
<<Format( "Latitude DDD", "PUNDIR"); // "PUN" for punctuation, "DIR" for direction, PUNDIR for both
<<Format( "Custom", Formula( Abs( value ) ), 15 );
For a list of currency codes, see Currency in the Scripting Guide. The currency code is based on the locale if the code is omitted.
Preselects the role for the column. Choices are "Y", "X", "Weight", "Freq", and "None", or "No Role".
Sets the modeling type for the variable. Choices are "Continuous", "Ordinal", "Nominal", "None", "Row State", "Unstructured", "Multiple Response", or "Vector".
Sets the property "name" to the expression given. You can set any standard column property by name or a user-specified property.
The following example adds the Value Colors column property to the sex column, with pink for females and blue for males.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
Column( "sex" ) << Set Property( "Value Colors", {"F" = 78, "M" = 69} );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
Column( "height" ) << Set Property( "Date recorded", 05Jan1990 );
Column Properties in the Scripting Guide provides more examples. See The Column Info Window in the Using JMP book for details about each property.
Sets the column to be selected (true or 1) or not selected (false or 0).
Uses the values in the column as markers in graphs. Designed to use with expression columns and character columns that have IDs. In the Big Class sample data table, the picture column is specified to use as markers in graphs. Not supported in Bubble Plot.

Help created on 3/19/2020