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Performs comparisons between specific alternative choice profiles. Enables you to select factor values and the values that you want to compare. You can compare specific configurations, including comparing all settings on the left or right by selecting the Any check boxes. Using Any does not compare all combinations across features, but rather all combinations of comparisons, one feature at a time, using the left settings as the settings for the other factors. See Comparisons Report.
Caution: The p-values are not corrected for multiple comparisons. Use these results as a guide.
The Wald p-values are colored. A saturated blue (respectively, red) color indicates that the Difference (Row - Column) is negative (respectively positive). The intensity of the red and blue coloring indicates the degree of significance, with a highly saturated red or blue meaning that the difference is highly significant.
Save Subject Estimates
Save Bayes Chain
See Redo Menus and Save Script Menus in the Using JMP book for more information about the following options:

Help created on 3/19/2020