A data feed object responds to several messages, including Connect and Set Script. These are detailed above as arguments for Open Datafeed(). They can also be sent as messages to a data feed object that already exists:
feed << Connect( port( "com1:" ), baud( 4800 ), databits( 7 ), parity( odd ), stopbits( 2 ) );
feed << Set Script( myScript );
The following messages could also be used as arguments to On Datafeed(). However, it would be more common to send them as messages to a data feed object that is already present.
You can send lines to a data feed from a script. This is a quick way to test a data feed. If you do not have a device available, Queue Line does not send data to a device; it simulates getting data from a device. Include a text argument or a global that stores text:
feed << Queue Line( "14" );
feed << Queue Line( myValue );
feed << Queue Line( "11" );
feed << Queue Line( "22" );
feed << Queue Line( "33" );
feed << Queue Line( "44" );
feed << Queue Line( "55" );
Figure 13.2 Datafeed: 5 Lines Queued
To get the first line currently waiting in the queue, use a Get Line (singular) message. When you get a line, it is removed from the queue. Five lines were queued with the test script above, and Get Line returns the first line and removes it from the queue:
feed << Get Line
Figure 13.3 Datafeed: 4 Lines Queued
To empty all lines from the queue into a list, use Get Lines (plural). This returns the next four lines from the test script in list { } format.
myList = feed << GetLines;
{ "22", "33", "44", "55" }
Figure 13.4 Datafeed: 0 Lines Queued
To stop and later restart the processing of queued lines, either click the Stop and Restart buttons in the Datafeed window, or send the equivalent messages:
feed << Stop;
feed << Restart;
feed << Close;
feed << Disconnect
Table 13.1 Datafeed Messages 
Open Datafeed
feed = Open Datafeed( commands )
Creates a data feed object. Any of the following can be used as commands inside Open Datafeed or sent as messages to an existing data feed object. Datafeed is a synonym.
Set Script
feed << Set Script( script )
Assigns the script that is run each time a line of data is received.
Get Line
feed << Get Line
Get Lines
feed << Get Lines
Queue Line
feed << Queue Line( string )
feed << Stop
feed << Restart
feed << Close
feed << Connect(
	Port( "com1:" | "lpt1:" | ... ),
	Baud( 9600 | 4800 | ... ),
	Data Bits( 8 | 7 ),
	Parity( None | Odd | Even ),
	Stop Bits( 1 | 0 | 2 ),
	DTR_DSR( 0 | 1 ),
	RTS_CTS( 0 | 1 ),
	XON_XOFF( 1 | 0 )
feed << Disconnect

Help created on 7/12/2018