Numeric Formats in the Using JMP book describes the arguments. Note that Matrix Box(), Number Col Box(), Number Col Edit Box(), Number Edit Box() have the same Set Format syntax.
<<Set Format( 10, 2, "Use thousands separator");
<<Set Format( "Currency", "EUR", 20, );
<<Set Format( "m/d/y", 10 );
<<Set Format( "Precision", 10, 2, "Keep trailing zeroes", "Keep all whole digits" );
<<Set Format( "Latitude DDD", "PUNDIR"); // "PUN" for punctuation, "DIR" for direction, PUNDIR for both
<<Set Format( "Custom", Formula( Abs( value ) ), 15 );
For a list of currency codes, see Currency in the Scripting Guide. The currency code is based on the locale if the code is omitted.
ncbFunc = Function({}, {"Fixed", 12, 5});

Help created on 7/12/2018