Display Boxes and Display JSL Functions contains a summary of common display boxes that appear in reports. The JSL function to create each display box is listed for those that can also be constructed. Many display boxes cannot be constructed through JSL, but are still part of the display tree that can be accessed through JSL.
Constructs a button with the title and executes the script when the button is clicked.
Returns a display box containing the excerpt designated by the report held at number report and the list of display subscripts subscripts. The subscripts reflect the current state of the report, after previous excerpts have been removed.
Converts expr() to a picture as it would appear in the Formula Editor. Creates a Pict Box.
Constructs a box to display the current value of the global variable; the value is directly editable, and editing the value automatically forces graphs to update.
Returns a display box that arranges the display boxes provided by the arguments in a horizontal layout. The <<Hold() message tells the sheet to own the report(s) that are excerpted.
Constructs a node of a tree (similar to Diagram output) containing text. Hier Box can contain additional Hier Boxes, allowing you to create a tree. The text can be a Text Edit Box.
Constructs a display box that displays the quoted string journal box. We recommend that you do not generate the journal text by hand.
Created by Col List Box().
Displays the matrix given in the usual array form.
Creates a column named title with numeric entries given in list or matrix form.
Creates a column named title with numeric entries given in list or matrix form. The numbers can be edited.
Creates a new outline named title containing the listed display boxes.
Creates a display box labeled with the quoted string title that contains the listed display boxes.
Returns a display box labeled with the quoted string title to graph the numbers. The numbers can be either a list or a matrix.
Creates an x by y-sized scene box for 3-D graphics.
Constructs an editable box that contains the quoted string script. The editable box is a script window and can both be edited and run as JSL.
Container for one or more Sheet Panel Boxes.
Returns a display box containing the display box argument with the quoted string title as its title.
Creates a column in the table containing the string items listed. The string boxes are editable.
Creates a report table with the display boxes listed as columns.
Contains Tab Pane boxes. Created by Tab Box.
Constructs an editable box that contains the quoted string text. The optional script argument attaches a script to the text box, either by adding the script as a second argument, or by sending the Set Script message.
Returns a display box that arranges the display boxes provided by the arguments in a vertical layout. The <<Hold() message tells the sheet to own the report(s) that is excerpted.
Finds the outline in db that has the title text. Note that text must be the complete title, not just a substring of the title, but you can use ’?’ as a wildcard character with a substring to match the rest of the title. For example, "? Estimates" to find "Parameter Estimates". See Display Box Object References for details.
db[Outline Box("text")]
db[Column Box("name")
Finds the nth display box of type boxType.
db[arg1, arg2, arg3, ...]
Matches the last argument to a display box that is contained by the penultimate argument’s outline node, which is in turn contained by the antepenultimate argument, and so on. In other words, it is a way of digging down the generations of an outline tree to identify a nested display box.