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Fitting Linear Models > Multivariate Response Models
Publication date: 07/30/2020

Multivariate Response Models

Fit Relationships Using MANOVA

Multivariate models fit several responses (Y variables) to a set of effects. The functions across the Y variables can be tested with appropriate response designs.

In addition to creating standard MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) models, you can use the following techniques:

Repeated measures analysis when repeated measurements are taken on each subject and you want to analyze effects both between subjects and within subjects across the measurements. This multivariate approach is especially important when the correlation structure across the measurements is arbitrary.

Canonical correlation to find the linear combination of the X and Y variables that has the highest correlation.

Discriminant analysis to find distance formulas between points and the multivariate means of various groups so that points can be classified into the groups that they are most likely to be in. A more complete implementation of discriminant analysis is in the Discriminant platform.

The multivariate fit begins with a rudimentary preliminary analysis that shows parameter estimates and least squares means. You can then specify a response design across the Y variables and multivariate tests are performed.


Example of a Multiple Response Model

The Manova Report

The Manova Fit Options

Response Specification

Choose Response Options
Custom Test Option

Multivariate Tests

The Extended Multivariate Report
Comparison of Multivariate Tests
Univariate Tests and the Test for Sphericity

Multivariate Model with Repeated Measures

Repeated Measures Example

Example of a Compound Multivariate Model

Discriminant Analysis

Example of the Save Discrim Option

Statistical Details for the Manova Personality

Multivariate Tests
Approximate F-Tests
Canonical Details
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