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Using JMP > JMP Reports > Customize Hover Labels > Pin Hover Labels on a Graph
Publication date: 07/30/2020

Pin Hover Labels on a Graph

When you place your pointer over data on a graph, a hover label that contains data values appears. You can pin the hover label so that it always appears on the graph as a label. This is helpful if you want to compare several labels, or if you want to show the label information. When you save the graph, the label is saved. When you print the graph, the label is printed.

Note: The hover label remains pinned after you redo an analysis. However, if the data changed, you might have to reposition the label.

Figure 9.70 Pinned Hover LabelsĀ 

To pin a hover label, place your pointer over the data point until the label appears. Click the pin icon in the upper right corner of the label. You can then drag the label to reposition it.

Right-click the label to select the following formatting options:

Background Color

Applies the selected color to the label background.

Frame Color

Applies the selected color to the label border and tag line.

Text Color

Applies the selected color to the text.


Applies the background color and frame color to the label. Selected by default.

Use Gradient

Shades the background color vertically from light to dark. Selected by default.


Applies the selected font family to the text. The default font is determined by your JMP Font preferences.

If a script with a pinned label refers to a font that is not on the computer, the script does not run.

Add Text

Adds text to the bottom of the label.

Replace Text

Change the text on the tooltip. If you redo the analysis, the tooltip text remains updated.

Tag Line

Draws a line between the label and the data point. The Frame Color is applied to the line.


Removes the label. You can also remove the label by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the label.

Note: To return to the default label formatting, remove the label and add it again.

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