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Design of Experiments Guide > Space-Filling Designs > Example of a Sphere-Packing Design > Create the Sphere-Packing Design for the Borehole Data
Publication date: 04/30/2021

Create the Sphere-Packing Design for the Borehole Data

To create a sphere-packing design for the borehole model, you can use a data table of saved factor settings.

1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Design Experiment/Borehole

2. Select DOE > Special Purpose > Space Filling Design

3. Click the Space Filling Design red triangle and select Load Factors.

Figure 21.29 Factors Panel with Factor Values Loaded for Borehole Example 

Note: The logarithm of r and rw are used as factors.

4. Click Continue.

5. Set the Number of Runs to 32 and press Enter.

6. Click Sphere Packing to produce the design.

7. Click Make Table to make a table showing the design settings for the experiment.

Note: The design table includes a Model table script. This script runs a Gaussian Process model for the response y.

8. (Optional) To see a completed data table for this example, select Help > Sample Data Library and open Design Experiment/ Borehole Sphere

Because the designs are generated from a random seed, the settings that you obtain can differ from those shown in the completed table.

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