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Basic Analysis > Introduction to Fit Y by X > Launch the Fit Y by X Platform > Launch Specific Analyses from the JMP Starter Window
Publication date: 04/30/2021

Launch Specific Analyses from the JMP Starter Window

From the JMP Starter window, you can launch a specific analysis (Bivariate, Oneway, Logistic, or Contingency). If you select this option, specify the correct modeling types (Y and X variables) for the analysis (Table 4.1).

To launch a specific analysis from the JMP Starter Window, click the Basic category, and select a specific analysis.

Most of the platform launch options are the same. However, the naming for some of the Y and X platform buttons is customized for the specific analysis that you are performing.

Table 4.1 Platforms and Buttons

Platform or Analysis

Y Button

X Button

Fit Y by X

Y, Response

X, Factor


Y, Response

X, Regressor


Y, Response

X, Grouping


Y, Categorical Response

X, Continuous Regressor


Y, Response Category

X, Grouping Category

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