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Publication date: 09/28/2021

One-Way Analysis of Variance

Effects to be entered: A

1. In the Select Columns list, select one nominal or ordinal effect, A.

2. Click Add.

Consider the Golf sample data table. You are interested in whether Durability varies by Brand. Figure 2.8 shows two plots.

The first is a plot, obtained using Fit Y by X, that shows the data by brand. Horizontal lines are plotted at the mean for each brand and line segments connect the means. To produce this plot, run the script Oneway: Durability by Brand in the Golf sample data table.

The second plot is a profiler plot obtained using Fit Model. This second plot shows the predicted responses for each brand, connected by line segments. To produce this plot, run the script Fit Model: Durability by Brand in the Golf sample data table. Drag the vertical dashed red line to the brand of interest. The horizontal dashed red line updates to intersect the vertical axis at the predicted response.

Figure 2.8 Model Fit for One-Way Analysis of Variance 

Model Fit for One-Way Analysis of Variance

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