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Quality and Process Methods > Attribute Gauge Charts > The Attribute Gauge Chart and Reports
Publication date: 11/29/2021

The Attribute Gauge Chart and Reports

Attribute gauge chart plots the percent Agreement, which is a measurement of rater agreement for every part in the study. The agreement for each part is calculated by comparing the ratings for every pair of raters for all ratings of that part. See Statistical Details for Attribute Gauge Charts.

Follow the instructions in Example of an Attribute Gauge Chart to produce the results shown in Figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5 Attribute Gauge Chart 

Attribute Gauge Chart

The first chart in Figure 6.5 uses all X grouping variables (in this case, the Part) on the x-axis. The second chart uses all Y variables on the x-axis (typically, and in this case, the Rater).

In the first graph, you can look for parts with a low percent Agreement value, and investigate to determine why raters do not agree about the measurement of that particular part.

In the second graph, you can look for raters with a low percent Agreement value, and investigate to determine why they do not agree with the other raters or with themselves.

For information about additional options, see Attribute Gauge Platform Options.

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