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Publication date: 11/10/2021

Alias Matrix

The Alias Matrix addresses the issue of how terms that are not included in the model affect the estimation of the model terms, if they are indeed active. In the Alias Terms outline, you list potentially active effects that are not in your assumed model but that might bias the estimates of model terms. The Alias Matrix entries represent the degree of bias imparted to model parameters by the Alias Terms effects. See Alias Terms.

The rows of the Alias Matrix are the terms corresponding to the model effects listed in the Model outline. The columns are terms corresponding to effects listed in the Alias Terms outline. The entry in a given row and column indicates the degree to which the alias term affects the parameter estimate corresponding to the model term.

In evaluating your design, you ideally want one of two situations to occur relative to any entry in the Alias Matrix. Either the entry is small or, if it is not small, the effect of the alias term is small so that the bias will be small. If you suspect that the alias term may have a substantial effect, then that term should be included in the model or you should consider an alias optimal design.

For more information about the computation of the Alias Matrix, see The Alias Matrix. See also Lekivetz, R. (2014).

Note the following:

If the design is orthogonal for the assumed model, then the correlations in the Alias Matrix correspond to the absolute correlations in the Color Map on Correlations.

Depending on the complexity of the design, it is possible to have alias matrix entries greater than 1 or less than -1.

Alias Matrix Example

Consider the Coffee sample data table, located in the Design Experiment folder. The design assumes a main effects model. You can see this by running the Model script in the data table. Consequently, in the Evaluate Design window’s Model outline, only the Intercept and five main effects appear. The Alias Terms outline contains the two-way interactions.

Figure 15.23 Alias Matrix for Coffee 

Alias Matrix for Coffee

The Alias Matrix shows the Model terms in the first column defining the rows. The two-way interactions in the Alias Terms are listed across the top, defining the columns. Consider the model effect Temperature for example. If the Grind*Time interaction is the only active two-way interaction, the estimate for the coefficient of Temperature is biased by 0.333 times the true value of the Grind*Time effect. If other interactions are active, then the value in the Alias Matrix indicates the additional amount of bias incurred by the Temperature coefficient estimate.

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