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Predictive and Specialized Modeling > Modeling Utilities > Explore Patterns Utility > Statistical Details for the Explore Patterns Utility
Publication date: 11/10/2021

Statistical Details for the Explore Patterns Utility

Rarity in Longest Runs

To calculate the rarity for longest runs, first define the following variables:

n = the number of rows in the column

k = the number of times a specific value occurs in the column

p = k/n = the probability of observing the specific value in the column

m = the length of the run

N = the number of unique runs

Then, the rarity for longest runs is calculated as follows:

Rarity = log2(1 (1 pm - 1)N)

Rarity in Longest Sequences

To calculate the rarity for longest sequences, first define the following variables:

p = the probability of observing the specific sequence one time in the column

k = the number of times the starting value of the sequence occurs in the column

Then, the rarity for longest sequences is calculated as follows:

Rarity = log2(1 (1 p)k)

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