Shows a goal plot for the data. The Goal Plot shows the spec-normalized mean shift on the x-axis, and the spec-normalized standard deviation on the y-axis for each variable. See Goal Plot for more information.
Normalized Box Plot
Normalized Box Plot shows the Normalized Box Plot for the Semiconductor sample data table.
Summary Table shows the Summary Table for the Semiconductor sample data table.
Summary Table
The Capability Indices Report option shows or hides a table showing each variable’s LSL, Target, USL, Mean, Standard Deviation, Cp, CPK, and PPM. Capability Indices shows the Capability Indices for the Semiconductor sample data table. Optional columns for this report include Lower CI, Upper CI, CPM, CPL, CPU, PPM Below LSL, and PPM Above USL, among others. To reveal these optional columns, right-click on the report and select the column names from the Columns submenu.
Capability Indices
The Individual Detail Reports option displays a capability report for each variable in the analysis. This report is identical to the one from the Distribution platform, detailed in the Basic Analysis book. Individual Detail Report shows the Individual Detail Report for PNP1 from the Semiconductor sample data table.
Individual Detail Report