Graphics scripts are set up within the Graph Box command within a New Window command.
There are two optional keywords after the window name. Editable treats the window like a Journal window (so report items can be dragged and dropped onto them). Dialog treats the window like a modal window, so it shows up with a gray background on the Macintosh.
Graph Box takes named arguments for:
Creating a Graph
Using subscripting, you can send messages to any part of that report. Use Show Tree Structure to discover how to reference them. See View Display Tree in Display Trees for details about the tree structure. See By Subscript in Display Trees on using subscripts. This line re-sizes the graph to 400 pixels by 400 pixels:
To see a list of possible messages for any given display box object, use Show Properties. For example, here is a partial list of messages that you can send to an axis:
For all display boxes, <<Set Font Name messages are ignored if the font is not installed on the computer.