Select Filled to fill all of the bubbles.
Select Outlined to outline all of the bubbles.
Select Filled and Outlined to fill and outline all of the bubbles.
You can create a custom shape using JSL. The Custom option opens the custom shape. If no custom shape has been created, the Custom option uses the default circle shape. For more information about creating custom shapes, see Create New Graphs from Scratch and Customize Them in the Scripting Guide.
Select None to label none of the bubbles in the plot.
Select All to label all of the bubbles in the plot.
Select Selected to label bubbles only when you select them.
Splits all bubbles into their constituent parts. Unlike the Split button, the bubbles do not have to be selected.
Alters how the X, Y, and Sizes roles are computed. By default, the values are calculated using means for X and Y, and sums for Sizes.
Selecting X as Sum or Y as Sum computes the X and Y values using sums.
Deselecting Size as Sum computes Size values using means.
Selecting Color as Sum computes the sum of the data values and maps to a color. This option appears only for continuous variables.
See Local Data Filter, Redo Menus, and Save Script Menus in the Using JMP book for more information about the following options:

Help created on 10/11/2018