Blocks Display shows each level as a block.
List Display shows each level as a member of a list, followed by its frequency.
Single Category Display shows each level, followed by its frequency, in a menu.
Check Box Display adds a check box next to each value. To make this the default setting, select the Data Filter Check Box Display option in File > Preferences > Tables.
Clear Find clears the results of the Find operation and returns the window to its original state.
Match Case uses the case of the search string to return the correct results.
Contains searches the data for values that includes the search string.
Does not contain searches the data for values that do not include the search string.
Starts with searches the data for values that start with the search string.
Ends with searches the data for values that end with the search string.
Selects at least n of the selected values.
Selects a maximum of n of the selected values.
Selects between n and m of the selected values.

Help created on 10/11/2018