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Essential Graphing > Legacy Platforms > Charts > Chart Platform Options
Publication date: 04/28/2021

Chart Platform Options

The basic Chart report is shown in Figure A.4.

The Chart platform has plotting options on the red triangle menu on the Chart title bar. When you select one of these options at the platform level, it affects all plots in the report if no legend levels are highlighted. If one or more plot legend levels are highlighted, the options affect only those levels. There is also a single-plot options menu for each Y variable, which appears when you highlight a Y variable legend beneath the plot and right-click.

The individual plot options are the same as those in the Y Options submenu at the platform level. See Y Options.

General Platform Options

When you select one of the following options at the platform level, it affects all plots in the report if no legend levels are highlighted. If one or more plot legend levels are highlighted, the options affect only those plots.


Displays a single overlaid chart when you have more than one Y (statistics) variable. Each statistic can be assigned a different type of chart (such as line and bar) and overlaid in a single plot. Overlay is selected by default. The axis notation only shows for the last chart displayed if the charts are not overlaid. When Overlay is not selected, the platform shows duplicate axis notation for each chart.

Vertical Chart, Horizontal Chart

Changes horizontal charts to vertical charts (Vertical), or vertical charts to horizontal charts (Horizontal). Affects all charts in the report. Pie charts are converted to bar chats.

Pie Chart

Changes a horizontal or vertical chart type to a pie chart.

Range Chart

Displays a range chart. You can change any chart that includes at least two statistics in a single plot into a range chart.

Add Error Bars to Mean

Adds error bars to charts based on means. A window opens, prompting you to select the type of error bar. If error bars already exist on a chart, you can change the error bar type. See Adding Error Bars for a description of error bar types.

Stack Bars

Stacks the bars from levels of a subgroup end-to-end. To use this option, you need two Categories, X, Levels variables and a statistic. See Example of an Overlaid Histogram and Ridgeline Chart in the Graph Builder Examples section for an example of stacking bars.

Y Options

Contains the options described in Y Options. To apply these options to a single Y variable, highlight that variable in the legend first.

Level Options

Selects colors and markers. If no levels (bars, points, or pie slices) are selected, the color or marker that you select is applied to all levels. If you select one or more levels, the color or marker that you select is applied only to the selected levels. See Coloring Bars in a Chart.

Label Options

Attaches labels to your plots. In the Label Options menu, the first two options (Show Labels and Remove Labels) turn labels on and off. The last three options (Label by Value, Label by Percent of Total Values, Label By Row) specify what label should appear. Only one label can be shown at a time. Label options are also available by right-clicking in the chart.

Thick Connecting Line

Toggles the connecting line in a line chart to be thick or thin.

Show Y Legend

Shows the Y legend of the plot. This option is on by default for overlaid charts.

Show Level Legend

Shows the level legend of the plot. This option is on by default when the Show Separate Axes option is selected.

Show Separate Axes

Duplicates the axis notation for each chart when there are multiple charts. By default, the axis notation only shows for the last chart displayed if the charts are not overlaid. This option is not available for grouped charts.

Ungroup Charts

Moves level identifiers from the right side of the charts to beneath the charts for individual charts when a grouping variable is specified.

See Local Data Filter, Redo Menus, and Save Script Menus in Using JMP for more information about the following options:

Local Data Filter

Shows or hides the local data filter that enables you to filter the data used in a specific report.


Contains options that enable you to repeat or relaunch the analysis. In platforms that support the feature, the Automatic Recalc option immediately reflects the changes that you make to the data table in the corresponding report window.

Save Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the report to several destinations.

Save By-Group Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the platform report for all levels of a By variable to several destinations. Available only when a By variable is specified in the launch window.

Y Options

This section describes the Y Options submenu. These commands apply to all Y variables, unless you have a legend level highlighted, then they apply to only the highlighted Y variable.

Click the legend within a plot to highlight a Y. If you right-click a highlighted legend level, the commands to modify that Y appear. The commands then affect only the highlighted Y.

Bar Chart

Displays a bar for each level of the chart variables. The default chart is a bar chart.

Line Chart

Replaces a bar chart with a line chart and connects each point with a straight line. Select the Show Points option to show or hide the points. Line Chart is also available as a platform option, which then applies to all charts at once.

Needle Chart

Replaces each bar with a line drawn from the axis to the plotted value. Needle Chart is also available as a platform option, which then applies to all charts at once.

Point Chart

Shows only the plotted points, without connecting them.

Show Points

Toggles the point markers on a line or needle chart on or off.

Connect Points

Toggles the line connecting points on or off.

Show Error Bars

Toggles the error bars on plots of means. Note that this option is available only for plots that involve means of variables.

Overlay Color

Assigns a color to statistics (y-axis) to identify them in overlaid charts.

Overlay Marker

Assigns a marker to statistics, to identify them in overlaid charts.

Pen Style

Selects a line style for connecting lines.

Label Format

Specifies the format, field width, and number of decimals for labels. Thousands separators can be turned on or off. Enter the values in the window that appears.

Note: To see the impact of this change, you must turn on labels. Click the Chart red triangle and select Label Options > Show Labels.

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