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Using JMP > Extend JMP
Publication date: 04/28/2021

Extend JMP

Create Dashboards

JMP is an extensible program that lets you broaden its functionality to create your own JMP components. With Dashboard Builder, you combine reports into a dashboard, a visual tool that lets you run and present reports on a regular basis. No JSL knowledge is required. Start with a template, click report components, insert graphs and pictures, and the dashboard is done. You can also combine windows outside Dashboard Builder to create dashboards.

Figure 11.1 A Dashboard with Two ReportsĀ 


Combine Reports by Creating a Dashboard

Example of Creating a Dashboard with Two Reports
Details about Using the Dashboard Builder
Dashboard Builder Red Triangle Options
Sample Dashboards
Edit a Dashboard
View a Running Dashboard
Example of Combining Windows to Create a Dashboard
Example of Adding Selection Filters to a Dashboard
Example of Creating a JMP Query Dashboard and Add-In
Example of Creating a Dashboard from Two Data Tables
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