Covering Array Flow
Factors Outline
Enters the number of factors specified in Add N Factors. All factors are categorical. Select or specify the number of levels.
Adds multiple factors with a specific number of levels. Enter the number of factors to add, click Add Factor, and select or specify the number of levels. Repeat Add N Factors to add multiple factors with different numbers of levels.
Tip: When you have completed your Factors panel, select Save Factors from the red triangle menu. This saves the factor names and values in a data table that you can later reload. See Covering Array Options.
The name of the factor. When a factor is added, it is given a default name of X1, X2, and so on. To change this name, double-click it and enter the desired name.
To remove a factor level, click the value, click Delete, and click outside the text box.
To remove a single factor, select Delete from its red triangle menu.
Blocks Display shows each level as a block.
List Display shows each level as a member of a list.
Single Category Display shows each level.
Check Box Display adds a check box next to each value.
Clear Find clears the results of the Find operation and returns the panel to its original state.
Match Case uses the case of the search string to return the correct results.
Contains searches for values that include the search string.
Does not contain searches for values that do not include the search string.
Starts with searches for values that start with the search string.
Ends with searches for values that end with the search string.
Script Window Showing Names of Levels in Quotes
Use the Maximum iterations option to specify a maximum number of iterations to be used in optimizing the design.
Select DOE > Covering Array.
Next to Add N Factors, type 3.
From the Add Factor menu, select 3 Level.
Click Continue.
Select Use Disallowed Combinations Filter.
From the Add Filter Factors list, select all three factors and click Add.
Completed Restrict Factor Level Combinations Panel
Click Make Design.
Design and Metrics Outlines
The ratio of the number of distinct t-factor settings that appear in the design to the total possible number of t-factor settings, expressed as a percent. A t-coverage of 100% indicates that all possible t-factor settings are covered by the design. Note that each t-factor setting can appear multiple times.
For constrained and unsatisfiable designs, the definition of Coverage is adjusted for the number of t-factor settings that are possible once the constraints have been applied to all t-factor combinations. See Formulas for Metrics.
The ratio of the number of distinct t-factor settings in the design to the total number of occurrences of t-factor settings in the design, expressed as a percentage. The t-diversity measures how well the design avoids replication. A t-diversity of 100% indicates that no t-factor settings are repeated. A t-diversity of 50% indicates that the average number of times that distinct t-factor settings appear is two.
Tip: To run a script, select Run Script from the red triangle menu.
Partial View of Covering Array Table for Software Showing Scripts
The Response column is continuous.
The Failure Analysis Details report contains a <k> Factor Interactions report. The value of k is the smallest number of interactions that detect a failure. (For a definition of detect, see Covering Arrays and Strength.) The three columns contain the following:
The Factors column lists all k-factor combinations that detect failures.
The Failure Levels column lists the values of the k factors in the Factors column that detect failures.
The Failure Count column gives the number of failures corresponding to the k-factor combination of Failure Levels.
Note: A failure observation can appear in more than one of the k-factor combinations listed in the Failure Levels column.