To fit models using the mixed model personality, select Analyze > Fit Model and then select Mixed Model from the Personality list. Note that when you enter a continuous variable in the Y list before selecting a Personality, the Personality defaults to Standard Least Squares.
Fixed Effects Tab
The fixed effects for analysis of the Split sample data table appear in Fit Model Launch Window Showing Completed Fixed Effects. Note that it is possible to have no fixed effects in the model.For an example, see Spatial Example: Uniformity Trial.
Fit Model Launch Window Showing Completed Fixed Effects
Random Effects Tab
Fit Model Launch Window Showing Completed Random Effects Tab shows the random effects specification for the Split sample data where Carcass is a random block. Split Plot Example describes the example in detail.
Fit Model Launch Window Showing Completed Random Effects Tab
Select the Random Effects tab and then Add.
Click the Nest Random Coefficients button.
Completed Fit Model Launch Window Showing Random Coefficients
Completed Fit Model Launch Window Showing Repeated Structure Tab
Repeated Covariance Structure Requirements lists the covariance structures available, the requirements for using each structure, and the number of covariance parameters for the given structure. The number of observation times is denoted by J.

Help created on 9/19/2017