Christopher Nachtsheim is the Frank A. Donaldson Chair of Operations Management in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Nachtsheim's teaching and research interests center on the optimal design of industrial experiments, regression and predictive analytics and quality management. He has co-written several related books, most notably Applied Linear Statistical Models and Applied Linear Regression Models. Nachtsheim has also published over 70 articles in the statistics literature and currently serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Quality Technology.
Before joining the University of Minnesota faculty in 1984, Nachtsheim served as staff member in the Statistics Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory and as Senior Statistician at General Mills. He also served previously as Examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and is a four-time recipient of the Brumbaugh Award of the ASQ for best paper published in the area of industrial quality control, two-time recipient of the Lloyd S. Nelson Award of the ASQ, a two-time recipient of the Jack Youden Prize for the best expository paper published in Technometrics and the recipient of the 1992 ASME (CAE/CAD/CAM) National Best Paper Award. Nachtsheim holds a PhD in operations research from the University of Minnesota and an MS in operations research and statistics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.