Developer Tutorial: Using Workflow Builder to Share Analysis Steps for Replay – No Coding Required
Application Area:
Application Development
This session is for JMP or JMP Pro users who have some experience creating, repeating and sharing JMP analyses.
The JMP 16 Enhanced Log made it easy to automatically capture editable scripts as the source for creating reusable scripts. JMP 17 Workflow Builder makes it even easier to automate analysis steps – from accessing data, through analysis and sharing results with other JMP users – with no JSL scripting required.
One of the key contributors to developing and testing Workflow Builder shows how to use Workflow Builder. Beginning with accessing data, she shows how to interactively create analyses and reports: record, add, and play back steps; organize, edit and reorganize step sequences; and interactively construct a package that embeds data tables and workflows to reconstitute them when run on another machine, or shared with another JMP user.
She demonstrates how JMP incorporates feedback, displays and reports errors, uses a sandbox concept to help you perform actions on a subset and preview results before applying to live data, build in a way for users to input data during replay, import other workflows, and more.
She explains why and how the development team implemented Workflow Builder and advises you about how to maximize usability. The session includes time for Q&A.
This JMP Developer Tutorial covers: Workflow Builder
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