Statistics, Predictive Modeling and Data Mining
- Enhancing Insights: Image Analysis and Comprehensive Data Exploration in JMP® ProThis webinar demonstrates how to harness the power of data to predict trends, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions. Specifically, with JMP's predictive analytics software, JMP Pro.
- Workshop: Making better data-based decisions with statistical modelling techniquesThis two-part workshop has been designed for scientists and engineers who want to make the most of the data they have available. The workshop will guide you through the basics of predictive modelling, helping to drive innovation and process improvement.
- Lohmann: Elevate Science and Engineering with Predictive ModelingWatch this video and get the knowledge and tools you need to make data-driven decisions using Predictive Modeling.
- Make better data based decisions with Statistical Modelling TechniquesThis three-part workshop on statistical modeling techniques is geared towards scientists and engineers who are looking to make the most of their data and gain valuable insights as quickly as possible.
- How to ensure your investment in Machine Learning yields beneficial outcomesIn this talk, Jonathan Williams, PhD, Data Analysis Manager at IQE, shares guidance and stories about how to get started with machine learning techniques or effectively integrate them within existing programs.
- The Art of Effective Statistical CollaborationDr. Julia Sharp and Dr. Emily Griffith discuss the art of effective statistical collaboration.
- Revolutionizing Sustainability Through Green ChemistryJoin us for a virtual discussion with Grace Lasker and Rick Morgan on sustainability through green chemistry.
- Glean and Visualize Deeper Insight from Your DataHear best practices from Procter & Gamble and Michelin! Gaining skills around a multistage process of turning data into useful insights is key. You will see how interactive, no-code analytics enable any scientist or engineer to turn data into actionable insights with a combination of data preparation.
- How to Model Complex, High-Dimensional Chemical SpectraJoin us as JMP Senior Global Enablement Engineer Bill Worley shows us a visual approach to chemometrics.
- The Significance of Data Science EthicsHear from top researchers in the world of Astrophysics.
- Producers, Consumers, and Servicers: Three Perspectives on ReliabilityJerry Fish shares core reliability analysis techniques and best practices by walking through a hypothetical case study based on HVAC reliability.
- How to Model Complex, High-Dimensional Chemical SpectraBill Worley and Jeremy Ash demonstrate spectral analysis in JMP. Understanding and acting on factors influencing quality can result in reduced cost, faster time to market, better quality, and other benefits to your organization.
- How to Get the Most Out of Machine LearningHear from leaders in the machine learning realm from Brewer Science, Abt Associates and SAS
- Build - and Choose - Better Models Faster: Data Scientists in a BoxKemal Oflus demonstrates how to utilize machine learning methods without having to write and tune algorithms by leveraging your subject matter expertise.
- Mission-critical advanced statistics for the defense communityLearn about machine learning and artificial intelligence, and their synergies with structured experimentation
- Predicting Product Reliability: A Case StudyExplore core reliability analysis techniques and best practices by walking through a case study based on hard drive reliability.
- Leveraging Free Text Data to Build Better ModelsLearn how text data can be combined with non-text data to build better models and make better decisions.
- Neural NetworksExtensive overview of Neural Networks! Learn how to assist with models that are numerically challenging and time-consuming to fit.
- Advanced Decision TreesAid process improvement with successful root cause analysis. Learn how in this step-by-step guide on random forest techniques.
- Decision TreesPredict customer churn with well-built models. Learn how in this step-by-step video on decision trees.
- Stepwise RegressionWhen should stepwise regression be used to build a good performing model? This webinar segment has the answer and reviews when to stop adding terms to your model.
- Introduction to Modeling and Model ComparisonHow can you avoid overfitting your models? This video segment will guide you on how to use cross validation, ROC curves, response models and more.